Welcome to the Hour of Good News!

“Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom.” (Matt 9:35) NLT

The lack of right teaching is the primary reason we’ve failed to grow. Certainly we can study ourselves and grow to some extent. But God also put teachers in the Church to help us grow, to feed us upon God’s word. Most of what is taught and preached in the church today is things of minor importance rather than the real substance. We are majoring on the minor.

Teachings on how to succeed in life, mental development and motivational speaking and politics are good but they are not the major food required for spiritual growth. Some of these things can as well be thought outside of church. There are many sales, and marketing people that can motivate us to taking actions that can make us succeed as individuals. Don’t misunderstand me, I haven’t said the church doesn’t need them at all but they are not the right diet required for spiritual growth.

We need bible teachers, not motivational speakers or psychologist for spiritual growth. We need to learn the doctrines of Christ. We need to know who we are in Christ and how we are to live as New Testament Christians. We have been sent to preach the Gospel and not psychology or politics or book review. It takes spiritual food to bring about spiritual growth.

I’m afraid most of the so called teachings we have today have been out of preachers’ minds and not out of their heart. Today, the church had gain a general knowledge, mental knowledge, of the Word and we haven’t gotten the deep spiritual import of it. Most of what we know as teaching as been so cold and dead, it doesn’t really appeal to our hungry spirits. But the anointing of God upon genuine teaching of the Word is alive!

Kenneth E Hagin said, “if we are real children of God, born of God, and we haven’t grown, it is because we haven’t had the right diet.” I don’t blame people. I am convinced the fivefold ministry is to be blamed. 99% of the people would grow if they are fed on the right diet. But because one is an apostle, Prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher- doesn’t mean he is fully grown. It just means he has that calling upon his life. He still has to develop himself.

We must give ourselves, continuously to prayer and the study of the Word. To grow you must feed on the truth of the gospel. If the church you are now is not providing the right diet, please get it somewhere else.  Though the gospel truth is scarce, anointed teachers of the Word abide everywhere. Listen to their radio or tv programs, buy their tapes and read their books. Attend their teaching meetings. You need to feed on the right diet to grow!
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