Life Lessons from Covid-19. by Francis Okpaleke

1. Personal habits and local idiosyncrasies can engender global consequences. No one in Wuhan, China knew that the wildlife they consumed every other day would trigger an international health catastrophe. Likewise, some untoward habits we ignore today may affect us at the global stage.

2. Luck is unreliable. For decades, the wildlife market in China appeared innoculated from zoonotic diseases and blossomed into a multi-billion industry till Covid-19. In life too, luck runs out. A singular event can change one's state from hero to zero.

3. New levels may bring new devils. For every new step there are concomitant challenges. We were eager to leave 2019 but it is just three months into 2020 and the world is at a standstill. In life, every new milestone carries with it new challenges. 

4. Tenacity is tested in adversity. The global response towards mitigating the further spread of Covid-19 has shown the economic, technological, political strength of nations over others. China's response has demonstrated political will and technological preparedness. No matter who you are, adversity will test your character and will. Two possibilities are likely: you stand or fall.

5. Plan Ahead. Most nations have an economic relief plan for its citizens in response to aftermath of the global pandemic.  Likewise, as an individual or family person have a financial plan, an investment, asset portfolio, insurance cover or savings that you can fall back on in financial desiderata.

6. What goes around comes around. Many doubted the gravity of Covid-19 till it hit home. They had the opportunity to plan, to take preventive measures, to boost their preparedness but didn't or reacted too late. In life, experience is not always the best teacher. Learn from the mistake of others before it happens to you.

7. Change is imminent, immutable and permanent. No one would have imagined three months ago that nations would be on lockdown. That airlines would be grounded and travelling overseas would be unattractive. Or that churches and mosques will close. Neither did anyone conceive that football and basketball competitions would stop abruptly. Nor did we imagine that Africa would shut its doors to the West. Adaptability and malleability to change is the substance of life itself. Change or be changed.

8. Health takes precedent. Everyone, from the ultra-rich, the middleclass and the poor are all isolating and social distancing. Basically, no one wants to die and no matter how busy you are when your health is threatened nothing else will matter. If you dont pause to check your health, your health will pause you.

9. Every profession has its time. Few months ago, celebrities and events in sports, lifestyle and entertainment dominated the airwaves. Today, doctors, nurses, microbiologists, virologists and health care professionals are the new celebrities. The face and beacon of hope for mankind. In life, diligence in your profession comes with distinction. Every course has its glory days.

10. Peace of mind is personal. The fear and pandemonium generated by Covid-19 is ubiquitous globally. People are more fixated on the fatality rate of the disease than published recovery statistics. I have come to learn that in life, bad news and frightful stories would always make headlines but selective retention and a tranquil mind is a conscious effort.