some great business ideas that will trend from this time onward. by Pascal Okeke.

Every economic shift leads to a new way of living. This #coronavirus crisis will be no different.

* The Great Depression defined consumer habits for decades.

* Hyperinflation after WWII still haunts German policy.

* The oil supply crisis in the 70s led to the first efforts of energy conservation and efficiency.

* The 2008 financial crisis was the trigger for a new, regulatory framework across the banking and financial sectors.

* Now this health emergency that is shaking up the world’s economy will change our world forever.

In just a matter of weeks, we are seeing people en masse wearing masks, stocking up on goods, canceling social and business events, postponing travel plans, and working from home.

We have also seen the government shutting down schools, getherings even churches and prayer sessions.

These new habits will endure long after the virus lockdown eases.

Yesterday, an aspiring entrepreneur asked, Sir,  what are some great business ideas that you wouldn't mind giving away for free?

And I answered: Follow the trends.

Once work-from-home (remote work) policies are established by companies, they will most likely remain. Anticipate the opportunity!

Universities and schools need to be better prepared to keep educating online. Anticipate the opportunity!

The tourism industry is seeing the most severe impact, with flights, cruises, hotels and the reservations sector struggling. Anticipate the opportunity!

This virus has also shifted priorities. Hygiene is soaring to the top of government and corporate agendas. Some countries are already planning to introduce mandatory cleaning standards. Anticipate the opportunity!

Shopping habits will be impacted. Anticipate the opportunity!

Tighter borders controls, wider insurance coverage, public transportation, to name a few, will be just some of the changes that will stay long after the virus has run its course. Anticipate the opportunities!

He smiled and tried to shook my hands!