What will people say' syndrome. By Dr. Francis Okpaleke


The perpetual fear of 'what will people say' has kept many in mental, emotional and social prisons without their knowing. It has deprived many from living out their full potential and trapped many in unpleasant needless situations.
'What will people say' syndrome is allowing people's opinion, perception or belief of you to be the defining element of your existence.It conditions us to put certain opinions, values and ideologies before our wellbeing for fear of being ostracized, socially excluded or thought of 'as not doing well'. Essentially, you become what people say you are and not who you say you are.
It is this fear that has kept many in incompatible social dynamics and to live a life of lies and anyhow-ness. Life is showing you 'shege' but you rather bottle up than damage your reputation.
Many years ago, I was a prisoner to this syndrome. I had graduated with top honours but was without job for nearly two years. This is because I returned to my alma mater and would dress up everyday like I had a 9-5 job. My biggest fear was allowing people who called me "Professor" or "Doc" know I was broke and unemployed.
Whether it be a relationship, a job, social status, cultural expectation, life situation or job type, don't willingly give people the power to determine how you live and express life. It is a trap, a prison and a burden.
The truth is, you cannot control what people will say. What they will say is weather, it comes and goes. Rather, shift your focus to 'your say' in your situation. You matter, no flatter.
So whether you work as a carer, sell bags or do make up for a living after studying Economics at the university don't let what people say deter you. If you are starting life afresh after going through a season of emotional, relational or location change, don't trap yourself with societal definitions.
What will people say is their "saying". What you do with you life is your "doing".