Recession: how a salary earner can survive in a recession. By Employmentshift

In the last post we looked at how countries are tagged to be in a recession, we looked at how business owners can survive in a recession. Today we are looking at how a salary earner can survive in a recession.
A mentor of mine JIM ROHN once said “if a man can’t save, the seed of greatness is not in him” most people will argue with the comment but in general I will say he is correct. But saving alone is not the way to survive a recession. Here is how we believe you can
Pick up the slack – Most firms now will be laying people off and since this trend will continue for the next 2years at least. Your Job is not safe for now. You should learn to pick up the slack, be the first to come to work and the last to leave. Ask for the impossible projects and make sure you deliver on them. Look for opportunities to save money for your firm and drive results . People do not fire their best player.
Boost your importance – As an employee whenever you achieve a reasonable success find a way to make sure the boss knows about it, either through channeled office gossip or through a memo to the boss , make sure they begin to see your results in the firm. if you win a case in court buy everyone a drink. Yes you are spending money but you are also telling the company that you bring results . Also cut out any form or association with rebellion, Machiavelli told his men that obedience is better than competence. If your boss feels you are not the loyal type he will cut ties with you no matter how competent u are.
Find a second income – you should have done this already, most people believe that second incomes are not for everyone, they drank the coolaid of focus and work yourself into the found. We do not agree with that. Your second income should be built around your passion. If you can write, start that book or a movie script. If you can sow, dust your machine and get to work. If you can talk, take up part time teaching. If you can drive, start a cab service. Whatever it is you love doing that you need only passion to start, pls start it.
Saving – We have a saving format at employment shift which is the Joseph principle, we believe you should save at least 20% of your annual income. We mean save not allocate. Most people allocate money and call it saving. Saving is money you keep away for no reason. Just keep it away. You do not know how long the famine will last so just keep the money away. Allocation is money you keep for a particular reason. Eg keeping money to buy a car.
If you follow the above steps we believe you can not only survive but grow in recession.