Nigerian Business Etiquette (Do’s and Don’ts)

Nigerian Business Etiquette (Do’s and Don’ts)

1. DO keep in mind, that even though officially illegal, favouritism and nepotism is still a
common practice in Nigeria.
2. DO remember, that Nigeria has a long history of colonial and military suppression. This
effects on Nigerian business culture and makes it conservative. Be formal, punctual and
dress smartly.
3. DO keep in mind, that Nigeria is a multi-religious and multi cultural country. Always
find out which religion or culture the people you are working with belong to.
4. DON’T hold eye-contact while talking to somebody for too long as this might be
misinterpreted as a threat. Instead try to keep your eyes at forehead or shoulder level.
5. DON’T confront your Nigerian co-workers in public when you have an issue with them.
Do so directly and openly, but in a private setting so as to not undermine their
6. DON’T be irritated when Nigerians insist on being addressed with all their titles. People
are quite class conscious which relates back to the history of suppression during slavery
and colonialism.