The world’s greatest and mostly untapped resource is not the oil fields in the Niger delta, not the gold mines of Ghana, neither is it money, No! It’s you, yes! You are the greatest resource in the universe. Come to think of it, who discovered the known minerals and technology for mining them? Man! Who is the seeming small, yet, most intelligent being in the universe? Man! In the words of Rudyard Kipling; “we are the opening verse of the opening chapter of the opening page of endless opportunities”. Thus, we can assert that the human being is the greatest resource on earth, yet the most untapped.
If you doubt this proposition, check the grave yards, and you will see many unwritten books, scientific inventions that never saw the light of the dawn, songs that where never sung, movies that where never scripted, talk more of acting etc. the question remains, why all these untapped potentials even among the “seemingly” living humans? The answer is not far-fetched; lack of “potential development”. In other words, the in- aptitude to harness the gifts and talents that lie latent within the human spirit, or in professional terms; “Human resource development”.
This absurdity owes to the fact that are too engulfed in the “rat race” i.e. the pursuit of food, clothing and shelter; as such, we settle to maintain the “status quo” of natural existence as biological species as opposed to being the super creative beings, we were created to be. A vivid picture of the “rat race” is seen in the belief that life is all about being born, going to school, graduating, getting a “good job”, then comes marriage, and children by implication parenting, then retirement from the “secure” job, after which due to the meaningless of life after retirement, death knocks at the door, and the rat race continues for the children and the unborn children.
However, as Douglas Mac Arthur rightly pointed out; …. There is no security on earth… there is only opportunity. And guess what? Ann Landers says; “…. Those opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people do not recognize them “. Permit me to say at this juncture that the hard work here is that of paying the price of potential development. For, we are mostly like eggs at present and if we don’t hatch, we will end up as boiled or fried eggs, where we had the capacity to become full grown chickens.
The age we live in is called the information age, and in Francis Bacon’s words; “knowledge is power” i.e. the person who develops the latest skill sets and information in any field of endeavour is considered as the most resourceful and sought after. So, the question is; how much are you going about upgrading on your skill set? When last did you R.E.A.D—Raise Every Area of your Destiny? Because potential development requires “inquiry” i.e. working in the quarry site of the mind, for nothing is created, which was not first created in the mind.
Benjamin Franklin puts it this way; “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest” this owes to the fact that readers i.e. those who improves themselves, end up being leaders – solution providers. Little wonder why one of American’s greatest, Abraham Lincoln once said, “Let me prepare myself, and wait, and may be my time would come”.
Therefore, in tandem with Tetteh Nettey, a Ghanaian author; “opportunities present themselves to those who have paid the price already”. Suffice it to say that the price is potential development so, don’t sit and wait for “God’s time” to come No! You are too loaded to wasted, IMPROVE ON YOUR GOD-GIVEN POTENTIALS. Get informed, so that you will not be deformed in life. See you at the top.